At JCW Creative, we partner with clients from various industries, from health and wellness to engineering and insurance. Meeting, connecting and collaborating with such a diverse range of businesses gives us the opportunity to execute exciting projects on a regular basis. One of our recent projects that we’re exceptionally proud of is an animated video that we produced for Huntsman Corporation

As a global chemicals company, Huntsman has spent the last 50 years using science and ingenuity to create innovations that play a critical role in the everyday lives of millions of people. One of these innovations includes the company’s cutting-edge electric vehicle (EV) battery technology. 

Looking to showcase this technology to its customers, a global audience, Huntsman turned to us. The goal was clear: illustrate the sophisticated technology behind its new product through compelling visuals. Here’s how our team turned this vision into a vivid reality:

Understanding the Assignment

Huntsman came to us with a specific need: It had developed a new EV battery product and wanted a dynamic way to present this technology to current clients and potential industry partners. The project was twofold: an animated video that detailed the battery’s design and functionality and a 360-degree interactive 3D model for an in-depth exploration of the battery’s structure.

The Creative Process

Client Discovery and Kickoff

Our journey began with a comprehensive discovery phase, where we immersed ourselves in the client’s objective and the intricate specifics of its new battery technology. This initial phase was crucial for aligning our creative vision with Huntsman’s expectations.


With a solid understanding of the product, our team moved into storyboarding. This involved detailed planning for both the video and the 3D model. The storyboards were meticulously crafted, incorporating the client’s initial wireframes and educational script. This script was pivotal, as it guided the narrative that would make the technology accessible and engaging to a non-specialist audience.


To ensure technical accuracy and depth, our team conducted extensive research on EV batteries. This knowledge underpinned every creative decision, influencing the video’s script and the visual depiction of the battery layers. Through this thorough research, our team ensured that the content was both informative and visually accurate.

Animation and Interactive Design

With the storyboard approved, our 3D animators began bringing the battery to life, frame by frame. We developed a detailed animation that not only illustrated the battery’s design but also its functionality within an EV. Simultaneously, we crafted a 360-degree interactive model, allowing users to explore each layer and sublayer of the battery, enhancing the educational value of the visuals.

Voice-Over and Soundtrack

Parallel to the animation, our team carefully selected a voice-over artist to narrate the video. We ensured that the chosen tone was both informative and engaging. This combination of visual and auditory elements helps to effectively convey the message and captivate the audience. We also sourced music that complemented the pace and energy of the animation, adding an additional layer of professionalism and polish.

Final Execution and Reception

The final video was a synthesis of detailed animation, clear narrative and interactive exploration. It was not only used in international conferences to showcase Huntsman’s technological prowess but also served as an educational tool for potential partners and clients. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, affirming the effectiveness of the video in enhancing understanding and appreciation of Huntsman’s innovative battery.

At JCW Creative, we pride ourselves on transforming complex technical information into engaging, visual stories. This project with Huntsman is a testament to our team’s dedication to excellence in digital storytelling. Every line drawn and every frame animated plays a crucial role in bringing our client’s vision closer to reality. Through our meticulous attention to detail, we ensure that the final product perfectly captures and conveys Huntsman’s message.

Whether it’s through detailed animations or interactive models, we are committed to enhancing your brand’s visual identity and communication strategies.

Visit our portfolio or contact us for a consultation today to discover how our creative solutions can elevate your product’s presentation.
